
Friday, August 22, 2008

making it

i didn't like it
my physical being accepted it
was even happy about it
my internal self fought it
with every able fiber in it
my heart knew it
and tried to embrace it
my head argued it
and procrastinated it
but now i know it:
i can do it.
i'm making it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

change doesn't fight fair.

it's like a freaking sucker punch
you think you have all this time and then
everything is changing
goodbyes are coming at you from every direction
the sadness burns your throat
while the tears hit your cheeks like rocks
'last this' and 'final that' disorient you
and everyone else's sorrow kicks you while your down.

change doesn't fight fair.

Friday, August 1, 2008

We'll Forever Testify of Your Mercy and Unfailing Love

I miss World Youth Day

Energy. Life. Happy. Drama. Nothing seemed impossible. Singing.
New friends. Old friends. No past. No future. Just the present. Just the moment.
Belief. Faith. Trust. Jokes. Russia. Ice Cream. Early mornings. Late nights.
Laughter. Voices. Dancing. Cheering. Chanting. Pixie sticks. Vegemite.
Funny. Annoying. People. Wildlife. Mountains. Eucalyptus trees. Sand dunes.
Mirrors. Long hallways. Confusing hotel. Stairs. Pictures. Receive the Power.
Breakfast. Ocarina. Piano. No luggage. Freezing. Bohemian Rhapsody. Love.

I miss World Youth Day