
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

5 Weeks Later...

I'm here! It's been awhile since I've updated...and the last one was kind of depressing.
But 5 weeks after getting here, I'm doing great. I had my birthday, which was the best birthday I've EVER had. Anusia came and surprised me, something I NEVER expected to happen in a million years!! She shouldn't have, because it is way too expensive, but boy am I GLAD she did. I was sooo depressed over my birthday and not being able to see her or my other friends, and then here she was, on my campus!! It was like an episode of Twilight Zone, seeing her walk down my dorm hallway... but it was the best ever :)

I don't deserve my friends, but I'm so grateful that God doesn't require me to be deserving.

My classes are pretty decent. Western Civ wouldn't be bearable without Amanda and Ben (but especially Amanda because she slacks with me), and my professor looks like a bulldog, but hey. What can ya do. Latin is just Latin, but Fr. Paciorek, my prof, is hilarious. He spins in his chair and pronounces mosquitoes "mos-kits" with his Polish accent. He asked one kid a question and the kid said "uhh..I'm lost" and Fr. Paciorek answered, "We are een ze class.. it eez 11:25 in de morneeng. At ave maria uneeversity" And one day he explained to us, in detail, the high end real estate market in Naples. He also told one girl today that he slept for 9 whole hours last night because she makes his life miserable. Good man.

Theology is so interesting. My professor is a former football player, this short broad bald guy with a loud voice who gets really excited about Scripture. He also likes to paraphrase God. Such as when God speaks to Moses in the burning bush: "Hey Moses, my people need to be saved, and you're my guy." "But I don't know what to say" "Don't worry, I got your back, I'll give you this staff and you can do all sorts of cool miracles, and I'll be there the whole time. " "But, I can't speak well. please pick someone else?" "Fine, you're brother Aaron's a loud mouth, so he can come with you."

Choir is funny, but not as funny as Judy at church or even Mr. Parry. But he kind of acts a lot like Mr. Parry. He's also short, so he stands on this one thing to make sure everyone can see him, and he falls off of it a lot. And when we mess up, he always says something like, "ok, let's try a little game. I'll be the conductor, and you be the choir. You sing what I conduct. Let's just try it out, it might be fun." And his assistant, George, is really nerdy. Judy would do a great imitation of him.

Voice lessons are funny too. My teacher is an ex-marine. He's pretty intense. I almost passed out during my last lesson. I'm pumped. :)

Sometimes I think I have too much time on my hands for thinking. I like being busy. No thinking.