
Friday, August 28, 2009

When It Rains, It Sure As Hell Pours.

And I could really use an umbrella.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

All of my friends are gone and I'm bored out of my mind.

So...when I was at school, all of my friends were home. I came home, and all of my friends were either back at school or on their way very soon. Now there are only a few left home, and I don't really have time to see them! What a crazy world. Anyway, I'm bored, so instead of feeding my arts and crafts addiction, I decided to do one of those note things that everyone on Facebook does. But on here. Because...that's not annoying or anything ;)

25 random facts about me... because i'm THAT self-absorbed.

1. I really like big hoodies. I feel safer in them.
2. I could live on green beans and be totally, blissfully happy. But my favorite meal is bratwurst on the grill, in the summer, with my moms cauliflower and bacon salad.
3. I crack my knuckles. a lot.
4. Tigers are my favorite animal. I don't know why. but I have a stuffed one that looks really real in my bedroom at home.
5. Orange is my favorite color. Again, I don't know why, because I don't own a significant number of orange clothing or anything. room is painted orange.
6. I need a watch on my wrist. At all times. I must know the time. it's obsessive-compulsive.
7. I've traveled across an ocean many times already in my life. All for religious purposes.
8. I really like hometown coffee shops. A lot.
9. I have a weird accent, because it's a mix of Minnesota and Chicago. A big thank you to my parents -- I sound like a freak.
10. I skipped Kindergarten, so I'm always a year younger than everyone else in my class.
11. I like chalk. Sidewalk chalk, chalk boards, whatever. I like writing/doodling with it.
12. I love baseball. Watching it, I mean. I love playing soccer. And watching high school football.
13. I'm a theology major. And I want my masters in clinical psychology. to be a Jesus-lovin' therapist.
14. I'm kind of a phase person when it comes to habits. sometimes I bite my nails a lot, then it totally grosses me out. sometimes I swear all the time, then I never curse at all. sometimes I really want to knit, then it bores the crap out of me. Etc.
15. I really like comfy clothes to be navy blue. Navy blue sweatpants, navy blue sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc. Otherwise I really like bright/bold colors.
16. I like parties. But not every night. I need alone time. And I need my few very close friends.
17. Sometimes I have a hard time trusting people. But I didn't always have that problem. But there is a small handful of people who I trust completely, which is the greatest blessing in my life.
18. My WHOLE family (immediate family, me, grandma, aunts/uncles, cousins, etc) thinks fart/poop jokes are really funny. And they are. Base humor as it may be.
19. I'm in a huge arts and crafts phase right now. And I'm not a creative person. But I'm getting better with practice, I must admit.
20. I really like community service. It gives meaning to my life, honestly. But I don't like when people say they are humbled by service. Because, to quote Anusia, "it implies you were above them to begin with, which is not true."
21. I'm a firm believer that Taco Bell only tastes good after 10 pm.
22. Fall is my favorite season in Chicago. Spring is my favorite in Florida.
23. Palm trees eventually get old, as snotty as that sounds. I really love and miss the city of Chicago, everything about it: white sox baseball, chicago style hotdogs, the too-busy-to-give-you-the-time-of-day attitude in the city, the brick buildings, the suburbs with the corn...everything.
24. I sleep on my stomach, with one leg straight and one leg bent, like the number 4.
25. I really really really love my family. No matter what.

You're welcome.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Playground

a midnight breeze

rattles chains of swings

the sounds of crickets and cars

say the world is still turning

two hearts sit

on a lily pad bridge

cups of caffeine the only evidence

of their hectic lives tonight

of what do they speak?

the wind will never tell.

for this is their reprieve, their solitude

the angels themselves stand guard over it

here they tell all

here their chaos ends

and there dreams begin

here is love: true, and unconditional

to some, it's a playground

to them, it's magic.