
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Strange and Wonderful Encounters

Have you ever encountered someone, just for a few minutes, who just brightened your whole day and seemed to restore your faith in people? I hope so, because it is wonderful when you do. I did just this past weekend!
Here's how it all went down: My dad and I were in Florida visiting a college and we were getting dinner at the hotel restaurant. It was a beautiful evening, so everyone wanted to eat outside on the patio, including us. There were no tables open, and one would literally have to stand and stake out a table in order to sit down, or someone else would get to it first. So, we went and stood by a table, trying not to be rude to the man who was still sitting there. What a nice man! He invited us to have a seat while we wait, and said his wife just needed to come back and finish her drink, and the table would be all ours. We started talking, and found out that they were also from the Midwest, but had moved. His wife came back and we all introduced ourselves; Robert and Millie were their names. A great conversation followed, and my dad informed them of why we were visiting, that I was planning on going to AMU for school in the fall. Immediately they offered their phone number and email address, promising to look out for me if I did indeed come to Florida for school.
Some people just have that way about them; they are so kind and loving, and you can tell that they are just plain happy people. Robert and Millie are those kinds of people. With all the craziness in the world today, Robert and Millie and others like them restore my faith in humanity. In fact, we could all do well to be a little more like Robert and Millie. I'm so grateful to have met them!

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