
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It's been awhile

So this is my first post in a long time. I'm obviously not very good at this whole blogging thing. School is almost out (9 more days, then finals!) and these next couple weeks cannot move fast enough. Life is going so well right now; I just hope that this summer rocks.
I realized something the other day, and it shocked me: I'm an adult. I mean, I'm not 18 yet, so I suppose technically I'm not, according to the government. But, I worry about adult things, I am in charge of certain things like an adult, I have to take responsibility for everything I do and I am held accountable, I have to deal with work/money/balancing my life... If it looks like an adult and acts like an adult, it's probably an adult. I am an adult. When did that happen?!? How do I make it stop? Why did I want it so badly to begin with? I remember wanting so badly to get a job my sophomore year. Now I've come to the realization that I will work every day of my life from now on. Why was I in such a rush?
I love the little moments when I get to just be a kid again. Prom, for example. What a fun weekend. I had a blast! And I got to be a kid, not an adult. Or those random fun things that happen, like blasting music in a parking lot and dancing like a goof, or playing Apples to Apples in somebody's backyard. Or standing in the back of my brother's pick up truck with my siblings, screaming out song lyrics and dancing like there's no tomorrow.
This summer, in between working and all my other responsibilities, I'm going to make a point to be a kid. Just for one more summer.


Patrick said...

Hey Meg! I think you are doing great with the blog =D. Only one more summer of childishness? i ain't ever growing up. At least, I'm never going to grow up completely. If we all grow up, how will we ever have any fun? Hehe. Btw you make a great adult

Anonymous said...

this sounds o so familiar!


Meg said...

Haha, sorry Anusia. I guess I forgot to tell you! :/ :) But yes, I suppose it WOULD sound familiar to you!! lol