
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Breaking the Silence

Ok, it's been awhile. Oops.

School's over! Graduation was...everything I hoped for and more! just kidding, I kind of would have rathered they just mail me my diploma, but whatev. The sad part wasn't graduating from Carmel, it was realizing that I would never again be in the same school as my best friends.

BUT, it's summer now! And I'm leaving for AUSTRALIA in 2 days, and I'm about to experience what will be the best 12 days of my life, thus far! Yay World Youth Day! I'm so excited; nothing I type could possibly convey my emotions.

This post has to be short, because I have about a million and one things to do before Saturday, and I need to get started and run errands. I will be (hopefully) keeping this updated each day with events from World Youth Day. Until then!

1 comment:

Patrick said...

Being all responsable instead of hanging out with me? Hehe. You better update your blog the entire time you are in Australia. I want to read all about it.

The atmosphere of high school is something I don't think can ever be reproduced in life. I think I'll miss that aspect of it. I won't miss it all though =D