
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

To the Ends of the Earth

World Youth Day. It's over. I can hardly believe it. This trip has been so up and down and everything in between. But my over all, grand-scheme of things, over-arching conclusion: the Holy Spirit rocks and God never ceases to amaze me. Even in the difficult things, I learn something valuable and joy comes from somewhere.

Some things I've learned and how:

Losing my luggage: I have way too much STUFF. I can more than survive on much less than I have.

Freezing outside at the Vigil: There are some people who freeze outside every night, every winter, and we should have some compassion for them.

Long and hard walks: Sometimes you have to go through something difficult to get to something totally awesome. Which applies to everything.

Difficult/annoying people: Patience, tolerance, and choosing your battles. Also, letting go and moving on. And sometimes needing to stand up for yourself.

Some incredible moments:

Singing at breakfast while Anusia played the theme song and Rowan played his awesome whistle thing, and having other people join in for the part they knew

Hearing the Pope laugh

Seeing the Pope drive by right in front of us

Seeing the sea of candles at the vigil

Seeing the aerial picture of Randwick, and realizing just how many people came all the way to Australia for the Pope

Meeting so many awesome people from so many countries, all over the world

Running into the St. Peters kids at the US Mass, even though there were thousands of other people around

Hearing everybody from so many different languages singing the refrain of Receive the Power

Lots more to be updated...sometime.

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