
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another Day, Another Dollar, Another President

Barack Obama was sworn in as the new president today. My hopes honestly are not high. I don't quite understand his economic stimulus plan of "cut taxes, spend money". What money is he spending if he is cutting taxes? Somebody, somewhere, has to pay for it. And how is healthcare going to be reduced, if we are cutting taxes? I don't understand, so hope seems slim.

And yet, if you don't have hope, what do you have? So I'm hoping, and praying, despite my dislike. I hope his economic plan works. I hope people get jobs. I pray congress makes the right choices with FOCA. I pray for his enlightenment so that we can have an end to abortion and euthanasia and the death penalty, and start building a culture of life in America instead of death. I hope for an end to the war, but I pray that he is smart about how and when it ends, so that soldiers didn't fight and die in vain. I hope that politics return to how they were meant to be - for and by the people, rather than an ugly popularity contest with empty promises and fireworks displays.

I'm going on the March for Life in a couple of days. Once again, it won't be televised, it won't be reported in the paper, the media will attempt to make it go unnoticed. But the essence of politics and government in America is that the underdog wins. It's one of the only places in the world where it is possible for the underdog to become the Big Wig. It's true all the way from the Founding Fathers to Barack Obama. So, we might be the underdog in the fight for life, but I have hope that we'll win in time.

Pray this week, for truth and justice and righteousness in America's politics. It's a turbulent time, no matter what you believe, and our government needs prayers now more than ever.

1 comment:

NRV said...

God bless you in your travels, Meg. I was at the Capitol yesterday for the inauguration, believe it or not. I share your opinions that we need to have hope that God will give him guidance. Know that I am thinking of you during the March.