
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Megan - "Always a Day Late and a Dollar Short"

It's been another x-amount of months since I've posted on here. Blogging is really NOT my forte. I also don't have much to write about at the moment, that I can think of. I mean, there is plenty on my mind, but, being in class right now, I can't really think of how to phrase it.

But what I DO want to know is, if you are one of the faithful few (who I can count on one hand) who read my blog, how are YOU doing?? School's almost out; first year of college done; ever-changing world.... what are your thoughts? I live far away and am in a disconnect from the world... I want to be updated!


Patrick said...

Well umm I'm failing a lot, and I'm constantly in a questionable state of sanity, and I'm always in a various state of stress, but I'm, generally speaking, very happy. Also, I'm totally scared to grow up. I'm talking deciding futures, figuring out financial issues, finding jobs/internships, and simply organizing schedules. Ugh, growing up is scary. Especially when you don't know when or if you'll see your friends again. On the bright side, starting major classes next year is so exciting. I'm going to be taking intro to creative writing(a 300 level course) and advance composition(kinda sounds like intensive grammar, but maybe it'll be fun?). Next year I get to do a lot of service too. There is so much to look forward to and so much to worry about. I don't know how people handle it with such composure.

Meg said...

Failing a lot, as in failing your classes, or failing at life?? I suspect that neither is true; although, with your procrastination, I would be more likely to believe the former. :)

I know, growing up is scary!! I'm like...3 years away from being in the real world. geez! But, you just gotta roll with the punches, you know? Life is going to happen, and it throws some major curve balls, but you just gotta keep swinging. How many cliches can I put into one paragraph? ;) No but really, that's the only way to deal with everything involved with growing up. you just have to be able to go with the flow! Anyway, that's how I feel about it :) Thanks for posting!

Patrick said...

neither idea of failing meanie. Failing in the sense that I'm trying to figure things out and I'm getting knocked on my butt a lot. I try to go with the flow too. Oh you're welcome. What are friends for, eh?