
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 6, 2009

Today I...

-Took a math test, the chapters for which I never did homework. I stayed up really late and got up really early to study, and I think it went well. 3 cheers for procrastination!

-Saw 2 Mormon missionary white boys in white shirts and ties walking through the predominantly Hispanic Catholic and Haitian Voodoo town next door. Best of luck to them.

-Ate a taffy apple. I'm not giving up on Fall yet.

-Took a 3 hour nap to make up for my lack of sleep the last two nights. I feel human again.

-Bought mickey mouse pumpkin string lights for my dorm room. Again, i WILL have Fall, if it kills me.

-Irish danced hard shoe for the first time. I pretty much suck, but it is fun. I shall try, try again.

-Drank apple cider. ...Fall will come to Florida, so help me.

-had Oreo night with my roomies! We sat on a rug with mugs and a half gallon of milk and a package of halloween oreos. It was pretty close to perfect.

-sang at Mass. We have no it's always an adventure. :)

-played with a baby. I recommend doing that every day.

Today was good. :) Hope everyone else had a good day too!


Patrick said...

That day I slept through a philosophy class. That was about it =).

That's how I made it through all of my math tests. Only, I never studied for those =P. I hope you did well. Hip hip hooray!

It's Fall over here ;).

How is your dancing going?!

I sang at a praise and worship thingy last Thursday. We weren't miked. I hope I sang well =)

Anyway have fun with your lack of Fall. I hope I get a note from you soon =D

Meg said...

Haha! If my philosophy class was any earlier than it is (10:50 am), I would probably sleep through it too. I slept through History during my 3 hour nap though :)

Darn you and your having-fall-ness!
But I'm glad you have fall. Enjoy it for me!

Dancing is good! It's so fun, I'm doing harder stuff now, so it's a good challenge. I started doing hardshoe! it's like tap. but irish. like riverdance, tu sabes? I literally JUST started that on tuesday night, so I'm really bad right now. but i'll get it eventually! How's all of your dancing going??

I'm sure you sang well at the praise and worship thingy. :) I miss singing with you for things! like choir :)

I will remember that note soon. I think. I mean I will! It's in my planner. I just rarely open my planner... BUT I will remember soon :)

Thanks for the comment Phoenix!

Patrick said...

I tried to move this to Facebook but I think it was too long for a wall post ;)

My Philosophy class is at 8. It is very hard to make it there on time. I generally tend to sleep through philosophy and chemistry. More chemistry than philosophy because philosophy is attendance based.

I am enjoying Fall. It has such a grandeur to it. I love it. and the weather is perfect for walks. Who doesn't love a good walk?

AHHHHHH! Tap sucks soooo much. Less it sucks and I just suck at it. My teacher assures me that I'm doing really well for just having started this semester, but I feel like I can't do anything. He said something along the line(he said this today) of I've been teaching a long time and it's really rare to see someone pick this up as fast as you have. Blah blah blah. I still suck. I hope you pick up hardshoe easily so that you don't have to deal with the tap woes! Ballet is getting better. They are still babying me a little bit and that ticks me off. I like a challenge.

You miss singing with me? I have a terrible voice! I miss hearing you sing though. My gosh. You do know how to carry a tune =)

Hahaha I have been starting to use my planner again. I made my parents buy me one because I put a sincere effort into being organized, but I hardly use it. Organization is a work in progress. That's all.

Later gator,